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IT Staffing Agency

Patriot Talent Solutions

We launched Patriot Talent Solutions in 2014 with one main mission in mind: Connect the right people with the right companies. We don’t just want to be your recruiters, we want to be your partners and advocates. As a self-directed organization, Patriot embraces a vision of excellence, always acting in the best interest of those we serve, while pursuing business objectives in a consistent, confident, and forward-thinking way. Whether you’re looking for a career opportunity, a new employee or timely execution of an IT project, we will work with persistence and integrity to help you meet your strategic goals. When it comes to how we do business, our first goal is to leap beyond the status quo and uncover new ways to serve YOU.

IT Staffing Agency in Knoxville, TN and Tampa, FL

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135 Fox Road, Suite D
Knoxville, TN 37922
it staffing agency near me
5401 W. Kennedy Blvd, Suite 100
Tampa, FL 33609

Who We Serve

An IT Professional Seeking a Career Move

We know that finding the right job for you goes far deeper than just the official job description. Being happy with your workplace is a huge factor in your ability to excel, which is why we will help you to find a career that fits you culturally as well as technically and financially. When you work with Patriot Talent Solutions you will have access to a much larger pool of job opportunities than you otherwise would; we will increase your ability to network as well as save you the time you’d lose pursuing opportunities that wouldn’t be a good fit. When you do start your new career we won’t simply move on – we’ll stay in touch, making sure that the job is the right choice for your future.

An Employer Seeking High-Quality IT Solutions

We understand that finding the perfect resource means more than just looking over resumes. We will work closely with you to create a custom plan based on your company’s priorities. We pride ourselves on our accountability and take responsibility for doing what it takes to provide you with the creative solutions that your business needs – all within your budget. Patriot Talent Solutions is ready to help you find capable resources that suit your business’s needs. We are a technical services organization. We provide information technology recruiting services, but we also have the expertise and business structure to deliver technical services by outlining a work project, the requirements and expected results. We won’t just send you someone with the proper credentials; we’ll make sure that we fully understand your business so that we can help you recruit (or deploy) an employee (or a team) with the talent you need and who fits seamlessly into your company’s culture.

We Live and Work by Our Values

Our founding partners served in the United States Army Infantry. Many of the practices and values learned through Army service are engrained within our company and culture.

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To our employees and customers, companies and candidates alike.
We always fulfill our obligations.
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We always treat people the way they should be treated.
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We believe in the importance of simply doing what’s right.
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Assessing When to Stay or Leave Your IT Job

Assessing When to Stay or Leave Your IT Job

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Create an IT Career Development Plan Before the New Year

Create an IT Career Development Plan Before the New Year

As we approach the end of the year, many of us are thinking about our goals and aspirations for the year ahead. If your resolutions involve advancing your career in the IT industry, creating an IT career development plan for the upcoming year is the perfect way to...

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