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Now that the resume writing and interviews are over and the new hire paperwork has been completed, most job seekers would assume that the hard work is over.  The first 30-90 days on a job is often considered a trial run – or contract, in some cases – so creating good impressions is key.  Adapting to the change of a new role and office can often be challenging, but learning about your new company and coworkers will ease those nerves.

First Impressions

According to an article by Forbes magazine, many companies would suggest that it is the first 30 to 90 days on the job that can be the most vital part of a new job. Similar to the resume and interview processes, first impressions are imperative in a new job situation. In the first few days, your manager and colleagues form their opinions about you, so when entering your new role put your best foot forward. Getting your peers to like you can only help you in the future.

Track Your Progress

The first 90 days on a job is a significant time frame in the business world: it is a quarter. Forbes magazine suggests that while companies are tracking their progress, you should do the same on an individual basis. According to a definition by the National Commission for Justice and Peace, “Goals are outcome statements to guide implementation of the strategy (i.e., the tactics of what is planned to be done).” Goals must require attainable actions. Set realistic goals for yourself during the first quarter. Ask your manager what success would look like in the given timeframe and hold yourself accountable to those goals.

Get Your Hands on an Organizational Chart

Assess the office composition. Be inquisitive about your new role and how you will impact the company. It is important to know what role your coworkers play in the big picture of your company—especially the people that work directly with you. It’s equally as important to learn the strategic plan of all the departments and how they contribute to overall goals of the company.

Treat everyone equally

After reviewing an organizational chart, it is natural for most employees to want to form relationships with those coworkers who might offer them the best route to advancement. An article by the Harvard Business Review told a personal story of a man who lacked awareness of his coworkers until after he overcame a serious illness.  Only then did he see that each of his coworkers had their own personal obstacles to overcome. Always be courteous of all coworkers. Kindness and empathy will get you far.

It is human nature for new co-workers to form perceptions about the type of person you are based on first impressions. These impressions can turn into long lasting perceptions that could impact your career path or advancement and overall success at the new organization. This is good news for those who make positive impressions, but making a negative initial impression could scourge you for a long time.

Blog Contributor: Emily Murr